a big ol webpage with generative art

made by noah finer and the power of javascript

an attempt to use vector fields and some turbulence to make a fluid simulation. completely failed but i manually messed with the numbers so it looks good. move your mouse and click to add turbulence. pretend this acts like actual physics

screwing around with 3js. press the spacebar to subdivide some shapes into smaller shapes but sort of in three dimensions. click and drag to rotate.
**WARNING** you will crash ur web browser if u hit space more than 9 times

mini circles making bigger circles around ur cursor using sine waves based on like the distance of the circles to your mouse. something like that.

subdividing a shape into smaller shapes for a cool effect. click to crack the shape, but don't do it more than 9 times or else your browser explodes. my apologies.

something using open simplex noise to generate waves that move through a sea of dots

cube solar system made when learning about threejs. not really generative art but looks sick.